#203 in which abraham lincoln is a funky and fun-loving bro. part 1
Oh, geez, here comes monday.
that weekend sure was something. not sure what. probably something awesome.
here is what i have to say regarding the subjects of this comic. i do not know my neighbors at all. i do not know if it is a ‘california thing’ or a ‘modern thing’ or just an ‘socially inept asshole thing,’ but it seems like in smaller towns and maybe just other parts of the world, people feel compelled to introduce themselves to the people to whom they live in proximity. i knew the people directly on either side of my house growing up, but i do not know my current neighbors. so they all get nicknames. there is the ‘trashy family,’ the ‘old ex-cop,’ the ‘old woman who gets booty calls from an old man and they fight loudly (as in yelling at each other),’ and ‘the guy who i can hear snoring from in a different building whose wife’s voice makes it sound as if she is about 9 years old.’ do you know your neighbors? are they super annoying or did they help you move furniture up the stairs? would you consider having a barbecue with them? how about ‘going in on’ a timeshare with them?
anyway. i hope your monday does not run off and join the circus. not without your permission.
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